New Parent Area
Being a new parent on Legacy Line can seem a little overwhelming at times, and we know you’ve got lots of questions. Well, we’ve got answers!! Let this page be your go-to for questions as new Legacy Line events come up.
Also, you can find some direct links below for events/things going on right now!
This is our first event as a team that parents get to attend. The girls get to learn what squad they are on, it’s a picture-a-palooza for sure, and a chance for the parents to meet everyone as well.
It’s completely optional, but yes, please come…even if your Legacy says otherwise. As mentioned above, it’s a good way for you to meet all the other parents, meet the Booster Club Board, and it’s a good introduction to what next year will be like.
We have a large team, so we break the team up into smaller groups called squads. This will be their family within a family. Squads practice together throughout the summer, they perform together at shows, and they have fun team-building activities all year long. Each squad is typically comprised of a Dance Officer, a Social Officer, and several girls. You, as a parent, will also be placed on a text thread with all the parents from your Legacy’s squad.
A boost group is sort of like a squad, but just for the parents. This is a much less involved version and is really just there to help you with questions, remind you of upcoming events, etc. It’s run by the Booster Club and is not related to the sqaud your Legacy is on.
We’ve got you. If you are a Rookie parent (no matter your Legacy’s grade), you’ll be put on a special text thread for only Rookies led by one of our Veteran parents. You can ask all the questions you felt too embarrassed to ask in the Squad or Boost Group threads. But to be honest, we have all been there, and we are all happy to help.
We love all the items in the spirit store, but if you are going to buy one thing - I highly suggest the Legacy Line Mom Jersey. It’s very popular, and someone always wishes they bought one for football season after seeing all the moms in theirs. The Spirit Store only opens a few times a year, so make sure you get your orders in by the deadline.
Don’t worry. You’ll be given the passwords in an email or text message from the Booster Club soon. Certain portions of the website are password protected for the safety of our girls.
RevTrak is what the Booster Club uses to collect payments for all sorts of things throughout the year. You can get there directly here or just click the “Payments” button in the Parents section of the Menu. Options in RevTrak change depending on what we are collecting for at the time.
Freshmen and Sophomores are assigned a Big Sister for the year. This Big Sis helps guide them and is there for any questions they might have, and they have sweet gift exchanges with each other all year long. The Big Sis/Lil Sis relationship is certainly special; while these duos change yearly, they often remain close to each other throughout their time on Legacy Line. The Big Sis Reveal is held on the last day of dance camp right before the parent showoff, and it’s the first time the Lil Sis is gifted by their Big Sis. No need to get the Big Sis anything at this time. Later, your daughter will get a list of favorites to help when choosing gifts.
It can feel a bit chaotic, but the girls get the hang of it pretty quickly. If your dancer isn’t good at doing her own hair or makeup, she’ll learn!! But until she does, the older dancers will help her out. They will be let out of class a little early to get ready for the game.
Food is brought to the girls before every game. You’ll get an email with payment and order instructions for the whole season. Make sure to signup to bring desserts or waters to the girls for game day dinners. You might just get to give your girl a squeeze before they leave for the stadium. The link to the signup genius is below.
Ticket links will be in the list below as games get closer, and you will also receive them in emails/texts, but you can get your Season Pass now (link below). The season pass will get you into all Varsity Football games held in FISD, except for playoffs.
There will be family dinners from time to time that we strongly encourage parents (and siblings) to attend if you can. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the other parents, and, no, the dancers will not be there.
The dancers will be allowed to socialize during the third quarter. Don’t be too surprised if they are hard to nail down while they are running around with their friends though.
White Out is Legacy Line’s fall fundraiser, where we sell t-shirts to wear for the White Out game. This is also called Senior Night. The Seniors traditionally wear all white, so this is our way to honor them on their special game night.
Your daughter is not required to do a solo. There can be quite a bit of extra cost involved in taking on a solo. Cost additions include paying for choreography, privates, costume(s), and performance fees. Solos are performed at Winter Showcase, each competition, and certain solos will be performed at Spring Show. A solo will be required if your daughter is going to try out for officer though, so please keep that in mind.
First, make sure your daughter has enough makeup, lashes, and tights for several performances over the next few months. Second, keep an eye out for costumes getting sent home. The number of dances your daughter is in will vary depending on if she makes ensembles, has a solo, or is an officer, but she will definitely be in the overall team dances. The girls will have to ride the bus to and from the competitions. These days are very busy, filled with lots of costume changes. Your daughter should be pretty confident in doing her own hair and makeup by now, so it’s your turn to sit back and enjoy the show. The competitions we do are called Crowd Pleasers, and there will be no charge at the door for admission, so invite whomever you like. We won’t know schedules until very close to competition day and dance times can change depending on if they are running ahead or behind.
Legacy Line Banquet
Banquet 2025 is May 13th. Make sure to register all guests, including any kids in attendance. This is our chance to say goodbye to our Seniors and celebrate the year as a whole.
Luau Dinner
Luau 2025 is June 2nd. Make sure you purchase meals for your Legacy and anyone in your family who will be attending.
Legacy Line Swag
CLOSED This vendor opens several times throughout the year to place orders for shirts, hats, blankets, and more. Deadlines apply!
Varsity Football Season Pass
Pass is valid for all Wakeland Varsity Football games held at FISD venues except for playoff games.
Legacy Line Yard Sign
This year, we have a new vendor for our yard signs. This link is for the personalized option with name, year, and rank option.
Legacy Line Car Decal
Car decals can be purchased as a sticker or a magnet. This link is for the personalized decal with the option of grad year or rank.
Non-Personalized Yard Sign
Below is the link for the non-personalized yard sign. This sign will NOT have the year or the name but may have their rank.
Non-Personalized Car Decal
Below is the link for the non-personalized car decal as a magnet or sticker. This will NOT have the year or the name.
White Out Shirt
Deadline to order
White Out is coming on TBD! Make sure to get your Legacy her shirt before the deadline! -
Winter Showcase
CLOSED!! Come see our Winter Showcase filled with your holiday favorites as well as several solos, squad dances, team dances, and dance class performances.